We had an Exchange 2010 Server that we wanted to temporarily migrate over to another server, then migrate back. We ended up deciding not to migrate it back, but now it will be migrated to another piece of hardware. There are 3 Exchange Servers involved; Exchange1 (the originating server, which has since been deleted from AD), Exchange2 (the temporary mail server), and Exchange3 (the final destination).
Currently, Exchange1 has been deleted from AD, mail is flowing on Exchange2 and I'm trying it install Exchange onto the third server, but I'm having a problem with Offline Address Books. I receive the following error during the initial installation process for Exchange 2010...
Client Access Role Prerequisites: Failed
Error: The nominated Exchange server for offline address book 'Base-OAB' has been deleted. Nominate a valid server and restart setup.
And naturally, I receive the following when I attempt to update the OAB...
Error: Exchange server "PEARCEDEL:903400db-dd36-463f-950e-3d1db9313db0" was not found. Please make sure you typed the name correctly.
When I look at the OAB on Exchange2, I can see the default OAB that derived from Exchange1. I've tried to move that OAB to Exchange3, but i get the following (I'm also unable to delete it):
Error: You must provide a value for this property. Warning: The server from which this offline address book is being moved, "PEARCEDEL:903400db-dd36-463f-950e-3d1db9313db0", no longer exists in Active Directory. The OAB will be moved, but this will lead to a full OAB download for all users who are provisioned to use this OAB. If public folder distribution was enabled, the older replica will be removed from the public folder. Also, some OAB settings may be changed during the move. Please examine the OAB after it has been moved and verify the settings.
Now, the above message says that it will move, but it doesn't.
I also receive that same "You must provide a value for this property." error when I try to create a new OAB.
I'm not concerned about salvaging the old OAB, I just need to be able to install Exchange on Exchange3.
Thank you in advance for your help!
- Edited by Pete2014 16 hours 31 minutes ago