Offline Address book
Hi , I have two offline address book.One is the default and second I created.
I have two storage groups having two databases each.The default created database in first storage group is not showing which Offline address book it is using .If I go into the properties of this mailbox database and go to Client settings and check Offline
Address Book,it is blank.But for rest of the mailbox databases it is showing the address book it is using.
Now my question is --
1) Do I have to manually enter the OAB for default created mailbox database?
2) There are how many ways to check which OAB a user is using?Of course one way to check is from mailbox database.
Best Regards, Parveen Chauhan Mobile: +91-9811629793
January 31st, 2011 12:40pm
Hi , I have two offline address book.One is the default and second I created.
I have two storage groups having two databases each.The default created database in first storage group is not showing which Offline address book it is using .If I go into the properties of this mailbox database and go to Client settings and check Offline
Address Book,it is blank.But for rest of the mailbox databases it is showing the address book it is using.
Now my question is --
1) Do I have to manually enter the OAB for default created mailbox database?
2) There are how many ways to check which OAB a user is using?Of course one way to check is from mailbox database.
Best Regards, Parveen Chauhan Mobile: +91-9811629793
By Default when you create the database there is no offline address book define on the database you need to manually add the offline address book on it.
Thanks Mhussain
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January 31st, 2011 1:40pm
you can use the set-mailboxdatabase command to specify the offlineaddress book
secondly you can use the exchange management console so specify the offline address book user should use
January 31st, 2011 8:10pm
you can use the cmdlet set-mailboxdatabse to specify the offline address book and you can do the same from console as well
secondly check the attribute "msexchuseOAB" for the user to see what OAB are they assigned
Thank yoDhruv
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January 31st, 2011 8:14pm
Actually when you create new database, database would use default offline address book.
February 1st, 2011 10:08am
You can set the OAB by going to the SG/DB properties.
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February 3rd, 2011 4:56am