Offline address book definition is missing
Hi all : I try to run a Exchange 2007 Best Practices analyzer and the result is :"Offline address book definition is missing The 'msExchUseOAB' value for mailbox store 'Mailbox Database' on server <Mailbox server name> is missing. This will cause offline address errors for users in this database. "Any one can tell me something and how to resolve it .thx
November 15th, 2008 8:44am

Hello Sam, You need to associate an offline address book to all mailbox stores. Follow below guide and make sure that an OAB is associated with all mailbox stores. Offline address book is not associated with a particular mailbox store
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November 15th, 2008 9:34am

hi Amit Tank : I check it and the OAB was associated with all mailbox stores already . and all the outlook 2007 client display a error as "receive error 0x8004010f when downloading the Offline Address Book" . Any idea Amit ?
November 15th, 2008 2:11pm

Hello sam, Is it coexistence environment and did you remove your last legacy Exchange 2003 server or a pure Exchange 2007 environment? Thereare various reasons for getting this error. Refer below article to troubleshoot it more Understanding why error code 0X8004010F is thrown when trying to download an OAB
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November 15th, 2008 5:05pm

Hi Amit : Yes , It is the coexistence environment and it's a new installation Exchange 2007 , We found all User open Outlook client and prompt the 0X8004010F error , after that we run a exchange bestpracticse analyze and we found the OAB definition is missing error as below : "The 'msExchUseOAB' value for mailbox store 'Mailbox Database' on server lkfitproevs01 is missing. This will cause offline address book errors for users in this database." by the way , Our Exchange Mailbox is SCC with 2 node cluster .and i already done something as below :1.Add A record of at DNS and point it to CAS server2.reinstall the OAB virtual directoryI will refer your article and if you found anything idea .please send it to me .However Really thx your reply !!
November 15th, 2008 6:50pm

Hi all : I just run the Get-offlineaddressbook and the result as below : Server : lkfitproevs01AddressLists : {Default Global Address List}Versions : {Version2, Version3, Version4}IsDefault : FalsePublicFolderDatabase : lkfitproevs01\Macaulkf Storage Group 1\Macaul kf Public folder database 1PublicFolderDistributionEnabled : TrueWebDistributionEnabled : TrueDiffRetentionPeriod : 30Schedule : {Sun.5:00 AM-Sun.5:15 AM, Mon.5:00 AM-Mon.5:1 5 AM, Tue.5:00 AM-Tue.5:15 AM, Wed.5:00 AM-We d.5:15 AM, Thu.5:00 AM-Thu.5:15 AM, Fri.5:00 AM-Fri.5:15 AM, Sat.5:00 AM-Sat.5:15 AM}VirtualDirectories : {OAB (Default Web Site), OAB (Default Web Sit e)}ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)AdminDisplayName :Name : MacaulkfDistinguishedName : CN=Macaulkf,CN=Offline Address Lists,CN=Addre ss Lists Container,CN=macaulkf,CN=Microsoft E xchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=macau lkf,DC=comIdentity : \MacaulkfGuid : e0bb2a59-25e4-4a0b-ad97-6bf5a2d5b6adObjectCategory : : {top, msExchOAB}WhenChanged : 11/16/2008 11:52:37 AMWhenCreated : 11/16/2008 11:52:37 AMOriginatingServer : lkfitprodc01.macaulkf.comIsValid : True Please take a reference .
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November 16th, 2008 7:51am

Hi, From the information that you posted, I found the Default Global Address List is not the Default OAB, the IsDefault option is false. Maybe that is the cause of the issue, please set it as Default OAB in EMC. Open EMC, expand Organization Configuration, locate Mailbox, in the Offline Address Book tab, right click the Address Book, select Set it as Default Then check this issue. If the issue persists, please refer to the below thread and check whether can help you. Thanks Allen
November 18th, 2008 6:34am

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