Get-Mailbox -Monitoring | fl *Userprin*
Up to Exchange 2013 CU6, we created one Health Mailbox per mailbox database copy and one per CAS. The naming convention was not particularly admin-friendly, being that it was the GUID - either of the CAS or of the database.
CU6 introduced some tasty changes to both the naming convention and the amount of Health Mailboxes that are created. We now create a Health Mailbox for every mailbox database hosted on a Mailbox server (Active or Passive) and 10 Health Mailboxes for
every CAS role!
- Database Health mailbox is now HealthMailbox+Servername+DatabaseName
- CAS Health Mailboxes are now HealthMailbox+ServerName+001-010 (remember, 10 per CAS role)
Q1.So question to you, what are the versions of Ex you are in.?
2 servers multirole: 10CAS+10CAS+2DB(active+passive)+1DB(nonDAG) = 23 so is this correct.
Please note this change is only on the Displayname attribute the 'Name' attribute is still GUID based
Q2. They have passwords which are periodically reset. The password is a random 128 character secure string, so if you have
any kind of domain password policy which could affect that, then it's possible to cause issues when the passwords are reset on the Health mailbox accounts.
Not necessarily a force password change one.
You can view password change/failure activity from the following log:
....\Exchange Server\V15\Logging\Monitoring\Monitoring\MSExchangeHMWorker\ActiveMonitoringTraceLogs
Run this cmdlet and verify that the UPN is correctly showing or not.
Get-Mailbox -Monitoring | fl *Userprin*
Exchange 2013 Health Mailboxes
Logon Errors: