I'm trying to open a draft in OWA through C# WebBrowser. Everything works fine with Exchange 2010, but I've a problem with Office 365. The draft is opened correctly, but in read-only mode. Then I've to click "Bearbeitung fortsetzen" (maybe "continue edit" in english?).
I'm using the following code to determine the URL:
PropertySet propSet = new PropertySet(); propSet.Add(ItemSchema.Id); propSet.Add(ItemSchema.WebClientReadFormQueryString); propSet.Add(ItemSchema.WebClientEditFormQueryString); Item item = Item.Bind(_service, e.Id, propSet); if (item.WebClientEditFormQueryString.StartsWith("http")) _strPreparedURL = item.WebClientEditFormQueryString; else _strPreparedURL = _strOWAUrl + "/" + item.WebClientEditFormQueryString;
Is this a bug, or does anyone have a working solution for my problem?
Note: I've already asked this question in the Office365 forum, but they've redirected my to this forum. (https://community.office365.com/en-us/f/158/t/401603)