Based on your error message, this error indicates that the service (or TNS alias) specified when trying to connect does not exist. TNS aliases or service names are defined locally to each workstation. Thus different workstations could have a completely
different alias to refer to the same database.
And you can try to this method to connect to Oracle database.
Before you can connect to an Oracle database using Power Query, you need the Oracle client software v8.1.7 or greater on your computer. To install the Oracle client software, go to
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=272376 and download (at minimum) Basic Instant Client for Microsoft Windows.
- In the POWER QUERY ribbon tab, click From Database > From Oracle Database.
- In the Oracle Database dialog box, in Server Name specify the Oracle Server to connect to. If a SID is required, this can be specified in the form of ServerName/SID.
- If you want to import data using native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box. For more information, see Import Data from Database using Native Database Query.
- Click OK.
- If the Oracle server requires database user credentials:
- In the Access a Database dialog box, enter your username and password.
- Click Save.
Please refer to this article about steps of connecting to Oracle database:
And you can refer to this article to get more information about your error message.
If this issue still exists, I suggest you post your issue to Power Query forum.
The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
Hope its helpful.
George Zhao
TechNet Community Support