Orphaned Mailbox in Exchange 2003
Have an orphaned mailbox that I need to connect to a different user, Have attempted to reconnect the mailbox with the new user I created and said the mailbox is connected to another user. This mailbox use to be connected to a user on another server
before it crashed. I have the same user in active directory (Newly created several years ago on another server) however for legal reasons we need to connect this mailbox to another user and keep the info separate. How can I break the mailbox from
being connected to a user that isnt there. I have tried running cleanup agent etc and nothing helps. Any sugguestions ??
March 9th, 2012 11:50am
Get on offline copy of the databaseuse Lucid8's DigiScope
http://www.lucid8.com/product/digiscope.asp which will allow you to Open any Offline Database the database copy you just made so that you can then Browse, Search, Export Mailboxes, Folders and Individual Messages to PST, MSG & XML formats OR in
your specific case you can Recover direct from that offline Exchange database to any other account as desired on the Production Exchange Server. NOTE: for future reference this works even cross version i.e. Exchange 2003 --> Exchange 2010 etc.
You can also search online stores for specific information and then Export, Delete or Purge the result set.Troy Werelius
Search, Recover, & Extract Mailboxes, Folders, & Email Items from Offline EDB's and Live Exchange Servers with Lucid8's DigiScope
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March 9th, 2012 12:02pm
Use Mailbox recovery center to connect to new user.
This option is available under Toolbox.
Please follow the below article.
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa996202(v=exchg.65).aspxThanks Sunder
March 9th, 2012 1:38pm
Has the original user who had that mailbox been deleted?
So are you saying the mailbox is in a disconnected state?Sukh
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March 9th, 2012 3:40pm
This mailbox use to be connected to a user on another server before it crashed. I have the same user in active directory (Newly created several years ago on another server) however for legal reasons we need to connect this mailbox to
another user and keep the info separate.
Is this mailbox in your enviroment or from other Exchange Server?
Could you paste the exact error in your next post?
What is your meaning of "This mailbox use to be connected to a user on another server", could you explain it in detail?
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Supportin forum
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Evan Liu
TechNet Community Support
March 12th, 2012 4:49am
Hi Jim-Handy,
Any updates on this issue?
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Supportin forum
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
Evan Liu
TechNet Community Support
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March 13th, 2012 3:07am