Out-of-Office list
Hi thereSituation: Some of the users in my company have set up the out of office rule.If i send an email, for the first time, i get the information "user is out of office".if i send a new message to the user, i dont get any information, if the user still got his out of office rule enabled or not.Problem: Is there any way to check, wich users already have been set to the list, wich doesnt get a out of office-reply because they already get a out of office-reply by another mail?thanks for responding.me.
April 15th, 2009 4:51pm
Hi, that behavior is by design. Bu do you delete alle theOOFs? I do not, so I can remember if someone is out of office. The OOF is send per user, so if you got an oof you wont get it until the store is remountet. Another user will get his own oof.Viele Gre
Walter Steinsdorfer
MVP Exchange Server
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April 16th, 2009 12:39am
When the Out of Office Assistant is enabled, only one reply is sent to each sender, even if you receive multiple messages from that person
------< Only one reply is sent to each sender when the Out of Office Assistant is enabled >
April 16th, 2009 4:33am