Hi, some of our users who are working externally are experiencing an odd issue with outlook when trying to access there emails / add there exchange account to outlook.
when adding a new account to outlook it asks for username and password, which it accepts fine, however on "Log on to server and send a test e-mail message" it requests a logon to a random server known as "Plymouth.footholds.net" not "mail.domain.com" as expected, this is not a server within our network or something that we control, no DNS settings point to this server, and no settings were changed prior to this issue occurring.
It is a server hosted by "vidahost", they provide us with web hosting for our website but nothing else, there is no reason for this to have found its way into the auto discovery configuration
does any1 have any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this, I cant find any trace of "Plymouth.footholds.net" in any of my auto discovery settings / DNS settings and auto discovery is functioning correctly on other systems such as Mozilla Thunderbird, seems to be an outlook issue.
Internally within the domain autodiscovery functions correctly and as expected, this only effects external users.
Many Thanks