Outlook 2007 - Images Blown up
I recently uninstalled my Office 2003 to Office Pro Plus 2007 and everything was working great until I noticed somethingstrange happening in Outlook.Email messages that I receive that have pictures in them are displaying the images at at least 3x their size. Nothing else is affected. Text remains the same. I have checked my email messages outside of Outlook to see if this was something coming from MSN itself but everything displays perfectly outside of Outlook.Any ideas?I run Windows XP Home SP2 and (again) have the Office Pro Plus 2007 Suite.Thanks,Katrina GloverHere is an example of what I am seeing:<a href="http://flcfyouth.org/Outlook.gif"target="_blank">Distortedimage</a>.
November 17th, 2007 3:32am
Have you adjusted the DPI Scaling setting in Windows? I've noticed that Outlook will enlarge embeddedimages when the scaling is set above the default 96DPI.
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November 18th, 2007 6:21am