Outlook 2007 Duplicate Emails
Setup: Outlook 2007 Windows XP Avast antivirus Here is what I am seeing 1) There are 3 emails that are coming through Outlook every minute (every time the same three) - they are system administrators undeliverable from about a year ago 2) There is a blackberry attached to the email account, but the emails are not showing up on the blackberry 3) When I checked the email server the new emails were not on the server. 4) I did a search on the email server to see if the originals were in there and they are not on the server. This issue appears to be isolated to the outlook on the laptop. I am unsure as to what is going on. There are extra PST files connected to the profile. Has anyone seen this? How do I fix the problem? It is the weirdest thing I have seen so far...and I have seen some pretty wierd stuff. All your help is much appreciated
June 2nd, 2009 5:35pm
Hi,1. Please use MFCmapi.exe to check the reciever mailbox to see if these duplicated emails there.2. Please use MFCmapi.exe to check the sender sent/outbox mailbox to see if these duplicated emailshas been sent.Please try to delete these three emails there.3. Please check outlookaccount settings to see if you have other mail account configrued inthis profile.4.What did you mean extra pst? Has any other mail account?5. Please try to open outlook in online mode and then check the issue.Besides,I'd like toverify if these duplicatedemails have been recieved into the inbox mail folder.MFCmapi.exehttp://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=55FDFFD7-1878-4637-9808-1E21ABB3AE37&displaylang=enRegards,Xiu
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June 3rd, 2009 12:45pm