Outlook 2010 Meeting Request Replies Not Showing Up
A user of mine (who I will call 'User 1') is having an issue where some replies to meeting requests are not showing up in his Outlook. It seems to be mostly random in terms of when it happens, but I have identified two people who he invites that this issue
comes up with. Sometimes they see his meeting invite and they respond, but the responses do not show up for User 1. Other times they do not see User 1's invites at all. The two I have mentioned are also users within my company and we only have one exchange
server and one forest. User 1 has also mentioned that seemingly at random other people inside or outside the company experience the same issues I described.
Like many people on here, I would appreciate a quick response as this could potentially cause some big issues for User 1. I appreciate whatever help that is provided.
June 4th, 2012 11:42am
The missing message might be deleted by a rule, a Outlook Addin or a filter on either server or client machine.
I'd suggest you verify the affected user's Deleted Items folder to see if the missing message is there; If there is delegate or mobile device involved, temp disable it and try again in OWA.
Meanwhile, take a transport trace to see verify if the messing message is beening delievered.
If the issue is urgent or if it brings any business impact for you, I'd like to recommend you to contact Microsoft Customer Support Service (CSS) or assistance so that this problem can be resolved effiienly.
Refer to:
Fiona Liao
TechNet Community Support
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June 5th, 2012 4:36am
We checked through his deleted items and found nothing. He also has no rules running.
How do I go about running a transport trace? Can't say I've done that before.
June 12th, 2012 1:03pm
I wonder if re-installing Office would resync things with the Exchange server somehow. I am going to try that when my user has the time and see what happens. I will post back.
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June 20th, 2012 12:00pm
See if they have delegates as well, maybe their delegates are accepting\declining on his behalf.James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL msexchangetips.blogspot.com
June 20th, 2012 3:15pm
Turns out the culprit is Apple devices. Anybody that accepts a meeting User 1 sends on their iPhone or Macbook does not show up as accepted. Once the meeting is accepted on a Windows based system, though, it works. I will be doing some research into communication
between Apple devices and the Exchange server, but I would greatly appreciate any ideas anyone has.
James: To answer your question, User 1 does not have any delegates.
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June 21st, 2012 11:58am