From the description, the calendar is no longer available (been deleted or something else) in the public folder. Logically, it's not possible to access the calendar.
For these users who still have access to the calendar, I'd like to confirm if they cached the public folder to local by enabling "Download Public Folder Favorites" under Account Settings. In this case, the users may access the calendar in the cached Public Folder Favorites. To check if these users have the "Download Public Folder Favorites" enabled, please follow:
1. Click File > Account Settings > Account Settings.
2. Highlight the Exchange Account and click Change button.
3. Click More Settings button and switch to Advanced tab.
4. Check if the "Download Public Folder Favorites" option is enabled.
We can try unchecking the option to verify if this issue is due to the Public Folder Favorites cache.
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support
Hello Russ,
additionally let the people who still do have access to that public folder to check the permissions. Right-click the folder and choose the tab "Permissions". Under permissions there is a check box called "Folder visible". In case it
is unchecked for a certain group of people, folder stays invisible for these people.
- Edited by Eduard Filimonov 20 hours 17 minutes ago