Hello, is it possible to add and sync my university email account to Outlook 2013?
The following link is the address to access my university email, which I can login to successfully using my matriculation ID.
However, I can't seem to add at all - it repeatedly prompts the windows security credential.
I have tried for countless times and I'm sure the email address, user name (should be referring to my matriculation ID) and password are correct.
Is there anything I'm overlooking? Or is it not possible with Outlook 2013?
Outlook 2013: Add my University's email account
June 30th, 2015 8:31am
I'm not sure if your university email can be configured in Outlook, you need to contact the mail provider to confirm this. You need to know whether your account supports IMAP or POP3, which are usually used protocals for emails.
As you only mentioned your account address, user name and password, it seems you didn't configure the incoming and outgoing servers and ports, ask the email provider if they can provide these information to you.
Melon Chen
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July 1st, 2015 5:16am