I have an Executive Assistant (Sally) who is basically a super-duper-delegate. Her account has Delegate access, Send on Behalf and Full Mailbox access to 10 Executives in the company. (executives also have other assistants that are setup as delegates, which has it's own host of issues that are well documented on Microsoft...)
There are 2 issues today to address that I have not found answers to:
Background: Server = Exchange 2010, SP3, RU 10. Client = Outlook 2013 SP1
1.- Sally sends an email to people using send on behalf of Executive "Bob". The email goes out, no problem. Sally then needs to send an email out on behalf of Executive "Tom", she swears and double checks to make sure "Tom" is in the "From" field and hits send. Recipients get the message and it says it came from "Bob" not "Tom". Does having full access, delegate, send as to multiple accounts cause Outlook 2013 to wig out and send as the wrong account?
2. Sally has the ability to send on behalf of about 10 people, But the Autocomplete Cache only shows the last 2 or 3 people she has sent as in her selection "From" field. That list changes with each new message sent as different person. Does Outlook 2013 have a limit to the number of remembered/cached names in the autocomplete list for the "From" field?
Finally - are there other known issues with either having "Full access" to 10+ multiple accounts (using automapping to have Outlook attach to all the mailboxes)? And, are there known issues with having Full Access plus Send on behalf plus Delegate access to all those mailboxes? (this may be more of an Exchange question than an Outlook question)