OS: Windows 7
PC: Lenovo X1 Carbon
Software: Office 2013 Pro
I have a user that has an issue with Cached email addresses not being saved when Outlook is closed and reopened. I have tried several things and at complete loss on how to fix it.
Steps I have done:
Clicked Empty Auto-Complete List
Confirmed "Use Auto-Complete List..." was enabled
Deleted RoamCache folder, I even tried to rename it
Deleted Outlook folder in Users>User>AppData>Local>Microsoft>Outlook
Deleted Outlook Profile and created new one
Reinstalled Office 2013 Pro from O365
If Outlook stays open the Auto-Complete works but if the computer is shutdown or Outlook closed it erases it all again. The user doesn't have an issue via Smartphone or iPad. Any suggestions?
I was trying to locate a possible registry key that may be causing this but haven't had any luck finding it.