Outlook 2013 Instant Search not working

The search option in Outlook 2013 with online mode does not work. Currently, Outlook 2013 is running on a Windows 2008 terminal server and Exchange 2013 on a Windows 2012 server.

In other environments where Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2013 are running, there are no problems to search for e-mail. The instant search in Outlook 2013 works. It seems that searching in Outlook 2013, with online mode in combination with Exchange 2013 this function is not supported.
Later, on the Windows 2008 terminal server, the functions: Fileservices and External desktop-services have been installed. The functionservices: Fileserver and Windows-Search services are also installed. Even when this compontents are being installed, the search option in Outlook 2013 refuses to work.

When the Windows-Search function was installed, the Outlook profiel were present in the indexlist. The indexstatus In Outlook 2013 indicates that 0 items are being indexed. Even with Outlook present in the list of the index file, the problem of searching for e-mail in Outlook still remains.

With the configuration of cache mode on, the search option is working. But because this is a terminal server, the preference will be the online mode. I have tried to rebuild the index file, recreate a new Outlook profile and tried the solution that is given in this topic.

Sorry for my bad english, but i hope someone is recognize this problem or knows a solution

Thanks in advance and i will look forward to your reply's

July 12th, 2013 5:30am

The problem that i was having is now solved. This issue was related to a corrupted Exchange Search index file.

A recreation of this file will solve this problem. To do this:

1. Stop the following services on the server where Exchange 2013 is running: Microsoft Exchange Search and Microsoft Exchange Search Host Controller
2. Browse to the following path #:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\Mailbox Database <name of the database file (numbers)>
3. In this folder a folder is a folder located named like: ########-####-####-####-###############.1.Single
Rename this map. to ########-####-####-####-###############.1.Single.old

Note: For renaming this folder its important that the services in step 1 are stopped

4. Start the services: Microsoft Exchange Search and Microsoft Exchange Search Host Controller
The Exchange server will now rebuild the index file. This proces could take some time. To view the status of this proces, execute the following steps:

1. Start the Microsoft Exchange PowerShell program

2. Use the following command: Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus

The ContentIndexState will change during this process from failed to crowling and effentially to healty. If this is not the case then a error has occured during the rebuild.

After this steps I also have test this in OWA but there the problem still exist, but i don't believe this have to do anything with the search module. E-mail in OWA except for Inbox do not even appear. Perhaps the rebuild of the index file have something to do with this. I will have a look at it and respond if i found the issue.

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July 12th, 2013 7:41am

The issue is now completely solved. It was the way of accessing the OWA directory. When I tried https instead of http, the search option was working well and the e-mail were present at the folders.

In IIS the SSL in OWA was required.

July 12th, 2013 8:17am

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