Good Morning:
I created a form in Outlook 2013 by embedding/inserting an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has drop-down items for the user to select from. The function of the form is as follows:
- User selects form, fills out and submits to a Dept Mgr
- Dept Mgr receives form and copies/pastes information in form to a different program
Problem: the Dept Mgr cannot select/copy info in the form because Outlook converts the data into a picture. I tried to use the Paste Special function rather than Insert Excel spreadsheet to get around this. This allows the recipient (Dept Mgr) to copy/paste data when he receives the form. Problem: The Paste Special function does not bring over the Drop-Down menus/formulas within the Excel Spreadsheet. The only way I can get them to come over into Outlook is to Insert/Excel spreadsheet. Please advise on how to accomplish what I am looking to do.
Many thanks,