Using Office 365 through a Proxy, switch off the proxy to why the outlook web client and fat client were slow during certain times of the day. What could be causing it, could be server in clouds, e.g mirror servers or backup operations
First, Id like to know where your location is. Office 365 is much slower in some countries because there is no cloud services operating.
In addition, please monitor the port to Internet and check if there is a heavy netflow in the certain time.
If possible, please test this issue with another ISP. If you have coworkers working at home, please let him test this issue in his home network environment. Will this issue happen in that situation?
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support
Sorry for the delay,
Cloud services in West Yorkshire is OK. Have you tried other suggestions? Please take the time to try them and let me know the result at your convenience.
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support