I have a user who has created a DL per his bosses request. This list will be shared with all of the director level and above and contains information that is not wanted in with the AD information as this will publish it for everyone to see. The list contains cell phone and home phone numbers as well as their office information (which AD contains the office information already, they are just wanting something more for the management team.
The problem I have is that the user has shared this with his boss, but when you open the list and double click on one of the names to see the information, it says "Could not find Contact "John Doe (email@address)". It may have been deleted or moved from its original location. Would you like to remove it from this list?" And my choices are Yes, No, Cancel.
After reading posts on the internet about this error message, I should be able to click "Update Now" and fix it. The problem is, it doesn't. It only shows the name and email address of the person, but none of the other information is there.
I have created a .pst and attached it to my Outlook and it still does this.
Are there any ways of sharing this information with others of the management team so that they can see all of the information and not just the name and email address of the contact? Is there something I am missing?