Outlook Issues and Exchange Troubleshooting Issues
I have a problem. My users are expierencing alot of issues when connected to exchange with outlook 2007 or outlook 2003. When they go between different folders or messages there it takes about 30 seconds to get the information from Exchange to display in outlook. It will come to a point sometimes where Outlook will not respond. I decided to use Microsoft Tool Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant. I came up with a few errors where I need some help to correct.
List of errors from the Assistant Tool:
The average value of 'MSExchangeDSAccess Domain Controllers(****.com)\LDAP Search Time' is beyond the error threshold of 50 ms. The measured value is 56.09 ms.
Since the RPC operations per second per user is greater than 0.25, the RPC operations per second rates indicate a user or users on this server are unusually active. The measured RPC operations per second per user rate is 2.785.
Any help would be appeciated for the above problems.
June 3rd, 2008 9:59pm
Please collect other info for better troubleshooting:
1. Exchange detailed version
2. Affected user's scope? (the issue happened in both OL03 and OL07)
3. Which mode do you apply user's client, cache mode or online mode?
4. Is there any related error or warning log in event viewer on both client and server?
5. Affected user's mailbox size and the number of items in generally (in case it's a performance issue)
Basic troubleshooting:
[Test on an affected user's pc]
1. Disable all anti-virus program for testing, start OL in safe mode <Start->Run->fill in "outlook /safe">
Notes: If OL seems to run more quickly or the computer stops behaving in the undesired manner, you more than likely have third party programs that are Outlook aware running in the background
2. Create a new profile for user
Notes: How to create a new e-mail profile in Outlook 2007 and in Outlook 2003
3. Try to launch OL in cache mode if it's online mode before
4. Create affected user's profile on those unaffected user's pc, or you can also switch the process, create unaffected user's profile on those affected user's pc and check the results
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June 5th, 2008 10:20am