The views are stored in the user's mailbox so it's synced across the machines. I didn't find a way to stop the sync or check the PC that initiated the views changes.
You can backup your views by these methods:
1. Copy the .pst and remove all email, calendar and contacts from it. Create copies of all views (in the Define views dialog) choosing "for this folder only" views.
2. Backup the .pst - views are contained in the folders in the backup. Like the method above, this doesn't work for sharing views, unless you make copies of all views in the Define views dialog.
3. Add a new .pst to the profile and copy views to it. Use this method to share views or backup views in an Exchange server mailbox.
We may find the detailed steps in the article below.
How to copy Microsoft Outlook custom views to backup or share:http://www.outlook-tips.net/how-to/copy-outlook-custom-views/
Melon Chen
TechNet Community Support
- Proposed as answer by
Keith Langmead
56 minutes ago