Outlook client receives 0x800701B when attempting offline address book download
Exchange 2010 SP1 RU2 on all servers.
Two client access servers using wnlb.
Autodiscover service points OAB downloads to fqdn pointint to wnlb virutal IP
Single OAB is configured in Exchange and assinged to the single database in exchange
Distribution method is Web-based.
Both CAS servers are defined for publishing the OAB files.
No MSExchangeFDS errors and both CAS servers have the default \Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\OAB\guid directory populated with the oab.xml and associated files.
When I attempt to download the OAB via Send/Receive it happens quickly but looks to attempt the connection and then immediately returns 0x8007010B. I tried looking this up and it seems like it is a generic HSResult for a network access error.
Can I point my clients via autodiscover to an fqdn that points to the WNLB ip address for OAB downloads? Everything seems to check out fine and I am stuck on what could be causing this error.
April 20th, 2011 12:34pm
I think I may have just found the issue. The OAB virtual directory SSL settings in IIS do NOT require SSL, yet the url returned from autodiscover is pointing the outlook client to a url that
is specying https:
Will report back my results after I change either the IIS settings or the autodiscover url that should be returned to not include the https.
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April 20th, 2011 12:58pm
Ok so modifying the url in for internal to not include https: did not have any factor on fixing my issue. My last tought before looking at rebuild the OAB directory from scratch is default permissions in IIS seem to be modified. The Windows Authentication
for the OAB directory in IIS is disabled. Defaults for the EX 2010 virtual directory on CAS /OAB are Windows Authentication is enabled.
Can anyone confirm their settings for me and verify whether or not they can access the oab.xml file when putting the url in IE?
April 20th, 2011 4:01pm
I just search “0x800701B” and find 0x8007010B - ERROR_DIRECTORY.
Can you turn off security software and try to download it again?
Can you tell me the version of outlook?
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April 21st, 2011 4:11am
Security software turned off has no impact.
Version is Outlook 2010.
After digging a bit deeper, it looks like this Exchange 2010 org was transitioned from 2007, which I personally have not done yet. But I do recall some requirement when migrating from 2003 to 2007 around the OAB and having to run a powershell command against
it as part of the transition. The reason I say this is, when I attempt to download the OAB, the name is not the name of the created OAB in EMC and I cannot drop down and select it either. I only get "Default Offline Address List". I'm going
to dig a bit more into the actual list itself as generation of the OAB, and the xml/lzx is successful.
I can also browse and view the oab.xml via IE perfectly fine. Although, I am prompted for credentials which is odd..
Another quick questions. What impact does not having "require SSL" checked off in the IIS virtual directory of each CAS server? I should still be able to download the OAB only in an unsecure fashion, correct?
April 21st, 2011 9:03am
Ok. So I have resolved my issues which turned out to be client side but a result of what I'm thinking was an improperly configured autodiscover and autodiscover virtual directory IIS settings when my outlook client was setup.
I recently fixed up the autodiscover service and IIS virtual directory settings but was still left with this 0x8007010B error after that was resolved.
Today, I thought that maybe the error_directory issue was in regard to my client so installed process monitor which then prompted me to remove my outlook profile and and set it back up now that autodiscover has been resolved.
After recreating it my OAB issues have gone away.
So my thinking is this, incorrect settings were pulled down and stored somewhere on my local machine at profile creation and the incorrect settings were due to faulty autodiscover.
After fixing the autodiscover the incorrect settings were not automatically resolved. I had to remove my profile to resolve the issue. I'm going to try and determine what and where this would be stored, registry / file system and post back my findings if
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April 22nd, 2011 11:34am