Outlook on Windows Server Core

Hello Shivara,

The current forum is for developers. I'd recommend asking non-programming questions on the Outlook IT Pro Discussions forum instead.

Why do you need to install the MAPI client on the server?

Anyway, take a look at the Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 .Is it what you are looking for?

March 12th, 2015 4:01am


Can we install outlook on Windows Server Core to use it as MAPI client?

I find documentation about Lync Sevrer not supported on Server Core, but did not find anything specific to outlook or MS exchange.

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March 12th, 2015 6:06am

Yes, Outlook can run just fine on the server versions of Windows.
March 12th, 2015 10:52am

Though Outlook can be run, but Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment. See Considerations for server-side Automation of Office for more information.
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March 12th, 2015 10:58am

There is a difference between Windows Server and Windows service.
March 12th, 2015 11:03am

Take a look at the page title I mentioned above.
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March 12th, 2015 11:26am

Let me repeat again: Outlook runs just fine on a Windows Server OS. As long as it is running as an interactive app, it will be fine. It cannot be used in a service, but that has nothing not do with a server - that limitation applies to all versions of Windows.

March 12th, 2015 11:54am

More than that, the MAPI system installed by Outlook can be used in a service. The standalone version off MAPI is fine, but it has severe limitations: no Unicode MSG or PST file support to name a couple.

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March 12th, 2015 12:00pm


I understand the difference between a service and server OS. As a rule a server OS is not installed on a client machine and doesn't require running application manually. Most probably a server is set up for doing something in the background. It means applications will be run from a service.

Anyway, I provided a link to install a standalone MAPI version to be able to run it from a service. Outlook is not required in that case. 


March 12th, 2015 12:13pm

The original poster asked about using Outlook for its MAPI system. There are valid reasons to use the Outlook MAPI system over the standalone version. Nobody mentioned Outlook Object Model.

The link you provided is for old (2011) version that does not support ROH connections (the only kind supported by Exchange 2013). To be able to use ROH, one needs to use at least the May 2013 version of MAPI: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39045

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March 12th, 2015 12:21pm

I am referring to Server Core version where no windows UI available.
March 12th, 2015 12:26pm

There are valid reasons to use the standalone MAPI system over Outlook. Nobody mentioned the goal of installing Outlook on the server OS. That's why I tried to explain pitfalls and suggest using a raw MAPI instead. It is up to the asker which way is to choose.

But I see only criticism to my posts. Why don't just describe pros and cons of each approach?

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March 12th, 2015 12:27pm

Looks like Dmitry knows how to run Outlook without UI...


Why do you need to install Outlook on the server? What is your goal? 

March 12th, 2015 12:28pm

I only provide corrections if there is something to be corrected. If there is nothing to add or correct, I stay out.  
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March 12th, 2015 12:55pm

I don't know. Have you tried that?
March 12th, 2015 12:59pm

The UI is there. Windows Explorer is not installed.
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March 12th, 2015 1:00pm

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