Outlook pst to mac mail mbox
How can I transfer outlook pst files to mac mail in mac book pro. I have a few thousand email files that are saved in outlook 2010. The over all properties of these emails is 12 GB and that amount of files cant be imported via IMAP. So I need some direct
solution that will allow me to export all these email files from outlook 2010 to mac mail saving all the data present in the outlook 2010 in mac mail.
All the answers will be appreciated. Thanks
January 13th, 2014 11:34am
There was a app mentioned in the discussion here, I hope you will find it helpful
Or you can simply find some nice options here:
pst to mac mail
Marked as answer by
Thursday, January 16, 2014 7:57 AM
January 15th, 2014 6:49am
I found no other direct way to transfer outlook pst file to mac mail other than pst converter pro tool.
I found this tool via the link provided and the tool worked absolutely fine. The guide provided in the tool setup was easy and made the conversion real fast.
Thanks for the help.
January 16th, 2014 7:59am
Outlook PST gets corrupted due to its oversize issue, virus attacks, abruptly system shutdown, sudden cancellation of MS Outlook, software malfunction, hard drive failure, storage media corruption, and many more.
Use SysInfoTools PST Repair, it performs recovery of PST file and conversion to MBOX file format.
September 10th, 2014 11:53am
You can try Stellar PST to MBOX Converter(MAC), hat perfroms safe conversion of MS Outlook data (.PST) files to Apple Mail (.MBOX) files. You can then access all your important mails and other mail items instantly by importing MBOX files into Apple Mail
November 24th, 2014 10:09am
Hi, Ive used Apple Mail Import Tool. It is excellent to transfer all PST files to the Mac Mail format, also the contacts, calendar etc. what you have in your Outlook account. Get the download link of this amazing email migration tool here :-
April 16th, 2015 4:58am