Outloook 2007 Public Folder OAB Fallback
I'm having a problem with offline address book distribution for a few of my users. These are users for which their SMTP Reply-To Address is not part of the Exchange servers domain. While they do have email addresses that are part of the exchange servers domain, autodiscover uses the default address and therefore fails. Configuring the domain of their email address for autodiscover is not an option.. My options are 1) Not use autodiscover at all. This used to work with Exchange 2007 but since upgrading to Exchange 2010, Outlook 2007 seems to refuse to use public folder distribution (even though I have created a public folder and published the OAB to it) 2) Change their default SMTP Reply-To to be valid for autodiscover and find another way to change their outgoing email address. I've yet to find a successful way of doing this. Any suggestions Thanks.
January 23rd, 2010 12:26pm
Create a new OAB and select Public folder distribution and web based distribution. then set as default.
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January 23rd, 2010 12:57pm
Hi,For the pure Outlook 2007 to use OAB in Exchange 2007 or Exchange 2010, by default, Outlook uses the autodiscover to download OAB on the condition of both web distribution and public folder distribution are enabled.Now, please restart the IIS and press Ctrl+right click the Outlook icon in the System Tray, select Test E-mail AutoConfiguration, uncheck "Use Guessmart" and Secure Guessmart Authentication" option, click Test button, then post the information on the forum.Additionally, check whether any error message come up for the Public Folder.ThanksAllen
January 25th, 2010 9:43am
Autodiscover fails because the users email domain does not have an autodiscover address. This is expected. In Exchange 2007, Outlook would fall back to public folder distribution, but this is no longer working in Exchange 2010. I have disabled web distribution completely (just public folder distribution) and still get a Sync Issue error every hour (Not downloading Offline Address Book files. A server (URL) couldn't be located))
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January 25th, 2010 11:13am