PC loses domain membership
I had this happen 2 time in the last 24 hours. A workstation is either logged on for the firs time of the day or a application stops responding and the workstation is rebooted and when the user tries to logon to the domain they can not. Upon loggin onto the PC as the local administrator the PC is nolonder a domain memeber. When you try to rejoin the domain you get a duplicated oject exists message. What is going on?
September 14th, 2007 9:53am
Well this isn't really an Exchange issue, but I would log onto the local computer as an administrator and check your event logs for errors this is always a helpful place to start. I would also double check your DNS settings on the local computer to make sure they are pointing to your DNS server(s), which should be an internal address. I don't know how many times I have seen someone setup the local computer with the DNS address of thier ISP thinking it is ok. Also try clearing out the cache on your DNS server as well as check the logs on the DNS server for any errors. This should get you pointed in the right direction for now without any specific errors it is a kind of hard one to answer right off the bat.One thing I just thought of....Make sure you have antivirus that is installed, running, and up to date.
Hope this helps some.
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September 14th, 2007 6:22pm
As mentioned, this isn't an exchange issue, but the most common cause for this is not running sysprep with the option to change the GUID when creating a workstation image on whatever software you use to image computers.
September 17th, 2007 4:39pm
This one is really simple Mike, First the reason your getting that error is because like the message says you have a duplicated object on the domain. What does that mean? Well that most likely that you have two computers with the same nametryingtojointhedomainwhichwhenyoutrytojointhesecondcomputerwiththesamenameittellsyouthatitcannotbecauseitisduplicatedonthenetwork. You have two optionsEither you rename the computer that your trying to add. or you delete the computer name object from active directory, join the computer your currently adding to the domain and rename the other one. Have fun.
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September 26th, 2007 10:21am
I did some research on this error, as I am getting it too. It seems to be connected to computers that have been imaged and then not syspreped afterwards. The error says the computer account password (not the user) is not recognized.
The only advice they gave is to rejoin the domain.
If you are getting the: Found an account with that computer name in AD, that may be the original computer account when you first joined the domain and not necessarily a dup. Obviously you should check for a duplicate name in the AD. I know for
certain that I did NOT have a duplicate name.
Also, for me it has happened a long time after I created the computer, as in years, not days. But they have all been imaged, that is the one thing they all have in common.
June 20th, 2012 8:31am