PDF Attachments not showing in Outlook 2007 Client
An outside company sent our user an email with 2 PDF attachments. The user gets the email and in the Inbox it displays a paper clip like there is an attachment. If you right click the email you do not have the option to "View Attachment" and if you open the email you do not see any attachments. But, the user can see the attachments on his smartphone.
If you forward the email from either Outlook or from the Smartphone to an outside email address, like gmail, you get the attachments.
This is Exchange 2007 version 08.02.0234.001 running on Windows 2008 SP1 and clients are running Outlook 2007.
Has anyone see something like this before?
March 25th, 2010 6:48pm
I have faced the same issue before. This is a rare issue with Exchange server and Outlook server combination. You may see that if you rename the same pdf document and sent again to the same user, he may see it and open it. So I assumed that this is a problem with some temp registry settings of outlook. That time I found this solution as explained below.
Go to this key--> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security
Because of the issue, the path that the reg key their pointed can't be browsed. You have to find the original path. Copy every contents as a backup and delete everything in the original path. Restart outlook to see the magic !!!!!!
Regards from www.windowsadmin.info
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March 25th, 2010 7:13pm
Seem your Outlook setting blocked viewing attachments. So please refer below articles and do the needfull
Customize attachment settings in Outlook 2007
You may receive an "Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments" message in Outlook
View, open, and save attachments
Chinthaka Shameera | MCITP: EA | MCSE: M |
March 25th, 2010 8:50pm
Does the suggestion above work for this case?
Does the attachment still invisible when access the problematic message via OWA?
Could the issue be reproduced permanently?
Does the issue only happen to a single user, or all users?
Does the issue only happen with PDF attachment?
Is there any arrived good messages? If yes, please use MFCMAPI to compare the mail properties between the good message and the badJames Luo TechNet Subscriber Support (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/ms788697.aspx) If you have any feedback on our support, please contact tngfb@microsoft.com
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March 30th, 2010 8:53am
I've had a three different users at my organization experience this recently. I've forwarded the original message as an attachment to myself and the attachment wasn't visible on my machine either. I've confirmed that the OutlookSecureTempFolder
has a path that is accessible.
<quote>If you forward the email from either Outlook or from the Smartphone to an outside email address, like gmail,
you get the attachments.</quote>
Ditto here.
Exchange 2007 v. 08.03.0159.002 on Win Server 2008 SP2. Original users are on Oulook 2007. My machine has
Outlook 2010 and still can't see it.
There are no messages about unsafe attachments and Outlook doesn't have any issues displaying other attachments, including
other PDFs. So far, I have only seen this with PDF docs, but again not all PDFs. We haven't tried having
the sender rename the file before resending, but we did have the user re-send and it still wasn't visible. So, while it is possible it is something about the document, it seems more likely to do with how the messages was originally encoded. However,
if Gmail can see the attachment, then so should Outlook.
July 13th, 2011 10:54pm
I beleive this is resolved with Exchange 2007 SP3 rollup 4.
lasse at humandata dot se, http://anewmessagehasarrived.blogspot.com
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July 13th, 2011 11:16pm
I am experiencing this issue with one of our clients too:
Only one user experiences the issue at the moment. It seems to only happen with PDF files that have been sent from an external source (all external sources).
When other users of the same Exchange server send PDF files the user in question can see and open them.
Same problem with Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 running on Windows XP and 7 clients. Also happens with Outlook 2007 installed on a terminal server.
Other users on the client and terminal server machines are unaffected. Viewing e-mails with OWA shows the attachments, i.e. OWA is the workaround at the moment.
Server is running Exchange Server 2007 Version 09.03.0192.001, on 2008 SBS.
We have tried installing Exchange 2007 SP3 rollup 4, didn't fix the issue. I have tried the registry fix on Outlook 2007, also didn't fix the issue.
I will probably recreate the user account, and hope this fixes the issue. I'd much rather the problem was fixed without having to do this though.
July 29th, 2011 10:19am
Do you find that the senders are all using Apple Mail?
This seems to be a pretty recent issue that we are experiencing as well. OWA does work as a work around.
Best I can tell, it has something to do with Apple Mail using inline attachments, but I am still trying to find out why this is just now a problem.
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August 19th, 2011 9:29pm
We are using Exchange 2007 SP3 RU3 and this fixed it for us:
On the Exchange server change the ShowInlineAttachment setting to True.
It also appears that Exchange 2007 SP3 RU4 will fix the problem as well.
August 19th, 2011 10:47pm
There are several potential causes. As mentioned, there was previously a fix for inline attachments. Then of course there are Outlook security settings, and I think this has been mentioned as well. Lastly, it often depends on how the attachment
was encoded. If it was encoded with a MIME type of application/pdf, then either of the first two could be the case. If it was encoded application/octet-stream, then well there's your issue. The only way to tell would be to look at the raw
message to see the MIME encoding of the attachments.
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August 21st, 2011 4:46pm