PLEASE HELP! Exchange 07 - Pop3 Retrieval
We are a small non-profit office and on Thursday and Friday migrated over to new equipment, new server, server 2008 and exchange 07 for the first time. For the time being, we are still using a 3party email service (fusemail) to hold our mail and filter for spam.
without going into detail, our smart phones are set up, our exchange mailboxes and pop3 emails are in place on our desktops and everything is running fine. For OWA or our phones to retrieve email, our desktop has to be left on, outlook running, and outlook has to retrieve pop3 email, then i guess it sends it to exchange which then makes it available on our phones and owa.
our office has always restarted our systems at the end of the day and just left them running, and we certainly have never left a program running. I thought exchange 07 could work the other way. instead of the desktop goinog to get the mail, i thought we could set exchange to go get the pop3 from our pop3 server (fusemail). it would then be available on owa, our mobile phones, etc.
someone please help. we need this fixed, and while i've seen some 3rd party pop3 connectors, i just figured this was something exchange 07 could easily do.
August 31st, 2008 2:05am
Generally email enters an Exchange environment via SMTP. This means emails are directly sent from the internet to your Exchange server, or you have an appliance or service that acts as an SMTP gateway and forwards mail to your systems once cleaned of spam and viruses. You are trying to use your POP3 provider as an SMTP gateway, which is not how Exchange was meant to be used. Because you are not the only one who is trying to do this, however, there are many 3rd product "POP3 Connectors" that you can install to fetch mail on behalf of all of your users. Exchange would then put mail into the user's mailbox according to the POP3 logon name. Check out this link for a list of POP3 Connector software applications:
Be sure to look at the supported Exchange versions. Exchange 2003 connectors will not likely work with Exchange 2007.
I should mention again, this isn't how Exchange was designed. One significant flaw in this model is your server needs to logon for each user and download their mail according to some schedule. This means email will not arrive until this schedule is reached, and more importantly, you will need to know all of your user's POP3 logon IDs and passwords. This is not a secure model. You should investigate sending mail through an SMTP gateway service like Postini, use an SMTP appliance like Barracuda, or install antivirus/antispam software, like Forefront and receive email your self from the internet, via SMTP.
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August 31st, 2008 2:45am