POP3 service in frontend Exhcange 2003 server
Hi All I have a front end Outlook Web Access server with RSA dual factor authentication enabled. All my external users are checking their mails through OWA,which works fine. Now I want to enable pop3 through the same front end server. I have opened port 110 on the firewall and configured ppo3 on the front end exchange server.The users mail box attributes also permits POP3 . Users are unable to access mail via POP3 . What could have gone wrong ?The error displayed in the Outlook 2003 client as as follows "outlook could not log you on to the incoming pop3 server,please verify settings for username ,passwords and email fields" wheras all these are configured. Is there any thing I need to check between the FE and BE and AD domain controllers?(Remember OWA works fine)? Pls help -SP
January 9th, 2007 2:26pm

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