POP Server Connectivity Issues
We cannot receive incoming external email. Internal email both incoming and outgoing is functional. Outgoing External (Non-Domain) email is working. We are in a Win2003 SBS environment.
Event ID 1023-The downloading process for mailbox EMAIL GONE [ISP's POP Server] with one or more errorsEvent ID 1036-An error occurred during a POP3 transaction to server <ISP's POP Server [EMAIL GONE]>. The error is 10060 (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.).
October 5th, 2009 9:18pm
Ramon,If you manually configure a connection in Outlook to connect to the specific pop3 server does it work?Can you connect to the ISP's pop3 via telnet on port 110 ?Regards,Johanblog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
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October 5th, 2009 10:11pm
Hi Johan-Connection failed on port 110 via telnet. I emailed ISP and still waiting for reply. Do you think it's on their end?
October 6th, 2009 12:32am
Hi,Apparently, that is the ISP's POP Server issue but not your end. You need to contact ISP to get more information on this issue.ThanksAllen
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October 8th, 2009 9:06am