It sounds like the problem happened after you install the recent updates.
Does the issue still occur when you uninstall the patch that you have just upgraded?
If the problem does not persist, we can wait for the next update from Microsoft to fix the issue.
Tylor Wang
TechNet Community Support
It sounds like the problem happened after you install the recent updates.
Does the issue still occur when you uninstall the patch that you have just upgraded?
If the problem does not persist, we can wait for the next update from Microsoft to fix the issue.
Tylor Wang
TechNet Community Support
- Proposed as answer by TylorWangMicrosoft contingent staff 9 hours 20 minutes ago
TY Tyler.
I didn't try the patch uninstall yet.
The weird thing is, I can open the PPS docs from the Start-Office-PPS-then use the "open" menu of the PPS, but not from a doc created icon on the desktop/file location. The trouble will be when I need an older doc not listed in the drop down menu, Then I will not be able to open it.
But TY for the tech help. I have never had to uninstall a MS or Win patch/update before, though I know enuf to uninstall everything else.