Partial/Wildcard Replacement in Access 2010


I am working on registering data into an Access 2010 database. I only have access to the forms view and cannot run any SQL operations to the database. I need to make a partial replacement of the text in one specific field. I want the field to look for all occurences of the character "n" on its own. Additionally I want it to be replaced with "nr.". I tried running a normal search and replace operation and it would replace the entire string in the form.

Using the search string "* n  *" works perfectly but it replaces the entire string like mentioned above. I then tried to run a operation using the search string "(*) n (*)" which based on what I have read online would allow me to use whatever is inside the parantesises for backreferencing. However running that as a search string yielded me no results.

Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong. I can of course do the replacement manually but the fact is that I need to update approx. 2000 posts.

Thank you for your time.

February 26th, 2015 2:08pm

Click in the field.

Enter " n " in the Find What box, and " nr. " in the Replace With box (both without the quotes).

Select "Any Part of Field" in the Match dropdown.

Click "Replace All".

This will only find and replace n with a space before and after it. There is no easy way to replace "n " at the beginning of the field, or " n" at the end of the field.

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February 26th, 2015 6:42pm

Click in the field.

Enter " n " in the Find What box, and " nr. " in the Replace With box (both without the quotes).

Select "Any Part of Field" in the Match dropdown.

Click "Replace All".

This will only find and replace n with a space before and after it. There is no easy way to replace "n " at the beginning of the field, or " n" at the end of the

February 27th, 2015 10:37am

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