Exchange 2013 SP1 with 2 member server 1 DAG. We use alfresco on our network and this app sends email notifications to users of our alfresco share site. The problem is, with exchange 2013 configured for alfresco to send these notifications, these notifications are never sent. Wehn we use a gmail acct, notifications are sent. I have been hanging out in the alfresco IRC channel and got some very good info but notifications when sent through exchange 2013 still doesnt work. Here are the settings for alfresco:
# Outbound SMTP properties # use these properties to configure the out-bound SMTP server. exchange servers (tried both DNS name and ip address) mail.port=25 (tried both 25 and 587) mail.username=exchange email address mail.password=exchange pass mail.encoding=UTF-8 # Default email address used for FROM if no other suitable value can found. # Can the FROM field be specified as a parameter or current user or does it # always need to be the default value - to agree with the username/password? mail.from.enabled=true (tried both true and false) # Is the email protocol smtp or smtps mail.protocol=smtp (tried both smtp and smtps) # Additional Java Mail properties for SMTP protocol mail.smtp.auth=false (tried false too) mail.smtp.debug=false mail.smtp.timeout=30000 mail.smtp.starttls.enable=false (tried true too) # Additional Java Mail properties for SMTPS protocol mail.smtps.auth=false (tried true too) mail.smtps.starttls.enable=false (tried true too) (the following will not either stop notifications from working or make them work) #use these properties to send test message during start of subsystem mail.testmessage.send=false mail.testmessage.subject=Outbound SMTP mail.testmessage.text=The Outbound SMTP email subsystem is working. # validate email addresses mail.validate.addresses= true # transport pool settings mail.transports.maxActive=-1 mail.transports.maxIdle=8 mail.tranports.maxWait=30000 mail.tranports.minEvictableIdleTime=30000 mail.tranports.timeBetweenEvictionRuns=30000 # NOTE: DO NOT remove this value - leave the value empty if you don't want to override # NOTE: DO NOT remove this value - leave as false if you don't want to override (if true then emails will not be sent)
So, my question is what are the correct settings for exchange suppose to be? I know exchange no longer accepts mail on behalf of someone so i am trying to give the correct settings to alfresco so exchange will send notifications. The exchange 2013 setup has not be "altered" so that the default way exchange works is still the way our exchange is setup.
What log file should i be looking at for more info as to why this is not working?
- Edited by forgiven 11 hours 43 minutes ago