People double booking a meeting room
Environment:Exchange 2003 Ent. Cluster (3 Act. 1 Pass.)Hi,No matter how much training we provide, people are still booking resources incorrectly causing meeting rooms to be double booked. We have users that properly add the room as a resource and then others that add the room as just an invitee.Is there anyway to prevent users from picking a resource as an invitee?
January 16th, 2009 10:41pm
To quote Ed Crowley: "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems." :-)Seriously, if the user is using the Free/Busy feature of Outlook and they can see that the room is booked, then they really deserve to get a rejection notice or a double-booked room. :-) This is almost the same as if you had a paper calendar for room usage and a second person ignores that someone else has written on the calendar that they are booking a room. Have you considered implementing a 3rd party solution for resource booking such as Simpler-Webb's Exchange Resource Manager. I am assuming that you are simply giving your users the rights to add things to the calendar currently. Jim McBee - Blog -
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January 17th, 2009 4:35am
You may want to give Auto Accept Agent a try. The agent checks the availability by looking at the calendar (resource schedule), not the Free/Busy information. This reduces the number of issues caused by free/busy update lag
Exchange 2003 Auto Accept Agent vs. direct booking
Understanding Auto Accept Agent
January 20th, 2009 6:34am
If you plan on going to Exchange 2007, then Exchange 2007 has an improved Auto Accept agent built in.lasse at humandata dot se,
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January 20th, 2009 2:53pm
So, when booking the resource, userA selects the resource and adds it to the To: Field while userB does it correctly and adds it to the resources: field. Are you suggesting that 3rd party products prevent this?
January 23rd, 2009 3:44pm