I've been trying to resolve some of the many issues I've run into after installing Exchange 2013 CU2 as a fresh install before migrating my users from 2007. We'd run into this bug that was generating a ton of event logs for missing performance counters:
It includes a PowerShell script to reregister all of the performance counters that come with Exchange 2013. When running it on my servers, it generated an error for one of the performance counter definition files.
53 C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoWorkerMultiMailboxSearchPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters : The performance counter definition file is invalid.
At line:6 char:4
+ New-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName $f
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [New-PerfCounters], TaskException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=EXM-SNA-0001,RequestId=b7edcf81-0f96-4937-a4a7-3bc8f6165132,TimeStamp=10/10/2013 9:30:50 PM] 79EF1430,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.NewPerfCounters
I opened the files in Notepad and this one didn't have any obvious errors or differences in structure compared to the other files. An internet search showed no one else reporting this error processing this file that I could find. I'd be curious
if anyone else running CU2 is able to register this performance counter.
New-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoWorkerMultiMailboxSearchPerformanceCounters.xml"