Permission to distribution groups

Hi all,

we have lots of distribution Group and some are open for everyone to send,but others have to be granted permission.

We have a main DL list where all other DL lists are added.

EX: DL.Company.ALL

If we grant permission for a user to send to this list,he wont be able to send to other list below that has restrictions as well.

Is there any way we can "enherit" permission from top of?

A bit wrong from Our side,but we kind lost track of which DL list has restricted permission or not.

Is there anyway we can export this out?

Best would be enherit from top of.


June 12th, 2015 7:55am

First of all, do some sort of inventorying. For example:

Get-DistributionGroup | select accept*,reject*,RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled | Export-Csv -NTI blabla.csv

Then you can use the information in the CSV file to 'transfer' the rights to the sub-groups.

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June 12th, 2015 4:19pm


What are the restrictions on those distribution Groups that users have to be granted permission? And what permissions users should be granted?

Best Regards.

June 17th, 2015 11:22pm

Hi all and thanks for your replies.

Almost forgotten this ,but i manage to get at list of Distributiongroups where sending to it has to be "accepted".

The command is:

Get-DistributionGroup | where {$_.AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers -ne $null} | fl name,acceptmessagesonlyfromsendersormembers

Then it was easier to trace down DLs where users has to be granted permission to send to.

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June 18th, 2015 3:03am

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