Personal archive not showing up in Exchange 2010??????
We are trying to use the archiving feature built into Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010. All systems and servers are in one domain. I have enabled two users personal archive. The personal archive shows up in Outlook 2010 for one user but not
for the other user. We have waited and restarted Outlook 2010 but it still does not show up. I have read remarks on these forums about the "personal archive" feature only working with certain versions of Outlook 2010, like maybe the Volume Licensed
ones. Can anyone verify this? If this is true this is total BS!! We paid extra & purchased the correct licensing specifically to use this archive feature. We were told Enterprise CALS and Outlook 2010. Again, can anyone verify
this and explain? We should not have to buy anything else or purchase a different type of license to make this work.
March 5th, 2012 5:22pm
Enterprise CALs and Outlook 2010 should be enough. How long ago did you create the personal archives? It could take a while? Also it is possible that you have what is called "the beta bug" (Outlook 2010 RTM) please read the following article to allow shared
folder for an outlook account
Kind regards,
Bart Timmermans
Bart Timmermans | Technical Consultant at KPN Consulting
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March 5th, 2012 5:26pm
Thanks. Enabled personal archive about 2 hours ago. I will check this beta bug setting and reply back.
March 5th, 2012 5:38pm
We were told Enterprise CALS and Outlook 2010. Again, can anyone verify this and explain? We should not have to buy anything else or purchase a different type of license to make this work.
Enterprise CALs is fine. Just Outlook 2010 is too imprecise. You might have a version of Outlook 2010 which does not support Personal Archives:
* Outlook 2010 included with Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010
* Outlook 2010 included with Microsoft Office Professional 2010
* Outlook 2010 included with Microsoft Office 2010 Standard
License requirements for Personal Archive and retention policies
MCTS: Messaging | MCSE: S+M
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March 5th, 2012 10:31pm
We were told Enterprise CALS and Outlook 2010. Again, can anyone verify this and explain? We should not have to buy anything else or purchase a different type of license to make this work.
Enterprise CALs is fine. Just Outlook 2010 is too imprecise. You might have a version of Outlook 2010 which does not support Personal Archives:
* Outlook 2010 included with Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010
* Outlook 2010 included with Microsoft Office Professional 2010
* Outlook 2010 included with Microsoft Office 2010 Standard
License requirements for Personal Archive and retention policies
MCTS: Messaging | MCSE: S+M
March 6th, 2012 6:17am
Changing the setting for the "beta bug" did not fix my issue.
My issue is exactly what JAS is referring to and this absolutely infuriates me! This misleading and confusing nonsense is what makes people hate Microsoft and everything they stand for.
We spoke with MS sales reps and read 1000 articles before deciding to upgrade to Exch 2010 specifically for the archive capability built into Exch 2010 and Outlook 2010. No where, not once did we see anything telling us that only "certain versions"
of Outlook 2010 will work with Personal Archives. This is rediculous! Ludicrous! We have 6 copies of MS Office 2010 Standard that we want to setup to use with Personal Archives. There is absolutely no reason why we can't do it
other than stupid, rediculous, craip!
Is there any way to make this work or am I going to have to uninstall the Outlook 2010 portion of Office 2010 and then install the stand-alone Outlook 2010? Hey, that even sound stupid doesn't it? thanks
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March 6th, 2012 10:53am
It also looks like Microsoft made some decisions about this mid-stream because even though I don't know exactly when that article was written, it is my understanding that originally Outlook 2007 could not even use Personal Archives and this article includes
Outlook 2007.
March 6th, 2012 11:07am
The Exchange Team attempted to support Personal Archives with the December Update 2010 for Outlook 2007 SP2 . However there were some severe issues with that patch (KB2412171):
* Slow performance when changing folders, especially folders that are in different message stores.
* Loss of Archive functionality
* Errors receiving mail on accounts that use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) or Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP) connections that use NTLM authentication. In particular this has been affecting a lot of GMail users who check their GMail with Outlook.
With the February 2011 Cumulative Update for Office 2007, they finally got it right.
But there are some limitations with Outlook 2007. It does not support the following functionality:
* Search across primary and archive mailboxes: When a user searches the primary mailbox, and selects All Mailbox Items, Outlook does not search the archive mailbox. Similarly, when the user searches the archive mailbox, the primary mailbox is not searched.
* Archive policies: In Outlook 2007, users can't use personal tags (also known as archive policies) to move items to the archive mailbox. Any default archive policies for the mailbox continue to be applied. Users can use Outlook Web App to see or apply archive
Yes Virginia, there is Exchange 2010 archive support in Outlook 2007
MCTS: Messaging | MCSE: S+M
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March 6th, 2012 3:35pm
Hi Poly Admin,
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm afraid you have to run right version of Outlook2010 to use Personal Archive feature.
For more information, please see Client Access to Archive Mailboxes
Understanding Personal Archives Wang
TechNet Community Support
March 7th, 2012 1:34am
Yes, I understand now after making purchases and spending company resources.
How can our company file a complaint about this with Microsoft? I know it won't do any good but if you buy Outlook 2010 then you buy Outlook 2010. There should be no difference in the functionality of the same product.
It is obvious after researching this that we are not the only ones that are confused and frustrated with this issue. If you were to ask someone in MS sells about what is required to do email archiving they would tell you Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010.
They wouldn't tell you to make sure you purchase the version of Outlook 2010 in the red box, not the one in the blue box. Yep, that even sounds stupid when I say it.
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March 7th, 2012 11:38am
Hi Poly Admin,
Sorry again for the inconvenience.
For this forum, we are only discussing technical problem here. So I think this is not the best place to resolve your license related issue.
You can contact your vendor or contact MS directly about the license problem to provide your feedback. You can find contact information here
If you have any technical problem, welcome to post on the forum. Community members and we are willing to help you.
Sorry to trouble you and thanks for your understanding.
Jack Zhou
March 7th, 2012 10:24pm