PivotChart not displayed correctly


I have a dataset that needs to be inserted into pivotchart.

when i "select all columns for pivotchart --> insert --> pivotchart --> existing table(same tab)"and put the values in the VALUES box server name into AXIS

the value data changes equal to each other therefore rendering it useless.

i have tried changing the values field settings 

Home , settings , advanced , use system operators to " comma's " (since the values row has dots) also didn't work

removing the letters from the values row also didn't work.

also changing chart type did not work

"i would love to upload a picture to clearify the situation but technet wont allow me "

this is a first time since it happened, it worked fine before , but since i changed my Query its not displaying the chart right anymore.

how can i create a pivotchart with the values from dataset that will be displayed correctly?

thank you in advance,


June 7th, 2015 7:50am

Hi Enma,

Based on your description, I cant reproduce your issue. And Pivot Chart works fine in my own environment. Could you tell me which version of Excel are you using? And where did you get the data source?

If possible please upload a sample via OneDrive or a screenshot so that I can get more accurate solutions to this problem. For verifying your account you can post a comment here and they will help you verify the account, so you can upload a screenshot.


Or you could send this file to our email address:

ibsofc@microsoft.com I'd like to help you check it.

Please Note: The email subject you should use the URL or the Title Name of your case.

Im glad to help you and follow up your reply.


George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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June 8th, 2015 2:06am


thank you for the reply i have posted a request to verify account so i can upload a picture which will help clearify my issue.

i have a query for diskspace monitoring for several customers

IF @sname=8  
SET @SQL='USE [?]  
SELECT ''[?]'' [Dbname]  
,[name] [Filename]  
,CASE STATUS & 0x40 WHEN 0x40 THEN ''LOG'' ELSE ''ROWS'' END [Type]  
,filename [FilePath]  
,size/128.0 AS [TotalSize_MB]  
,CONVERT(INT,FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed''))/128.0 [Space_Used_MB]  
,CASE STATUS & 0x100000 WHEN 0x100000 THEN convert(NVARCHAR(3), growth) + ''%''  
ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15), (growth * 8)/1024) + '' MB'' END [Autogrow_Value]  
,CASE maxsize WHEN -1 THEN CASE growth WHEN 0 THEN ''Restricted'' ELSE N''Unlimited'' END  
ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15), (maxsize * 8)/1024) + '' MB'' END [Max_Size]  
FROM [?].dbo.sysfiles'  
SET @SQL=' USE [?]  
SELECT ''[?]'' [Dbname]  
,[name] [Filename]  
,type_desc [Type]  
,physical_name [FilePath]  
,CONVERT(INT,[size]/128.0) [TotalSize_MB]  
,CONVERT(INT,FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed''))/128.0 AS [Space_Used_MB]  
,CASE is_percent_growth  
WHEN 1 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),growth)+''%''  
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),(growth/128))+'' MB''  
END [Autogrow_Value]  
,CASE max_size  
WHEN -1 THEN CASE growth  
WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),''Restricted'')  
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),''Unlimited'') END  
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),max_size/128)  
END [Max_Size]  
FROM [?].sys.database_files'  

IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name='##Fdetails')  
DROP TABLE ##Fdetails  

CREATE TABLE  ##Fdetails (Dbname VARCHAR(MAX),Filename VARCHAR(MAX),Type VARCHAR(10),Filepath 

,TotalSizeDBF_MB INT,UsedSpaceDBF_MB INT,Autogrow_Value VARCHAR(15),Max_Size VARCHAR(30))  

INSERT INTO ##Fdetails  
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @SQL   exec sp_executesql @stmt=N'
                begin try
                declare @filestats_temp_table table(
                file_id int
                ,       file_group_id int
                ,       total_extents int
                ,       used_extents int
                ,       logical_file_name nvarchar(500) collate database_default
                ,       physical_file_name nvarchar(500) collate database_default

                insert into @filestats_temp_table
                exec sp_msforeachdb ''USE [?] exec (''''DBCC SHOWFILESTATS'''')''

(row_number() over (order by t2.name))%2 as l1
                , t2.name as [file_group_name]
                ,       t1.logical_file_name
                ,       t1.physical_file_name
-- nieuw
, t3.Type
, t3.Dbname
, t3.Autogrow_Value
, t3.Max_Size
-- einde nieuw
                ,       CAST( cast(case when (total_extents * 64) < 1024 then (total_extents * 

                when (total_extents * 64 / 1024.0) < 1024 then  (total_extents * 64 / 1024.0)
                else (total_extents * 64 / 1048576.0)
                end as decimal(10,2)) as varchar(20)) + case when (total_extents * 64) < 1024 

then '' KB''
                when (total_extents * 64 / 1024.0) < 1024 then  '' MB''
                else '' GB''
                end as space_reserved
                , CAST( cast(case when (used_extents * 64) < 1024 then 

(used_extents * 64)
                when (used_extents * 64 / 1024.0) < 1024 then  (used_extents * 64 / 1024.0)
                else (used_extents * 64 / 1048576.0)
                end as decimal(10,2)) as varchar(20)) + case when (used_extents * 64) < 1024 then 

'' KB''
                when (used_extents * 64 / 1024.0) < 1024 then  '' MB''
                else '' GB''
                end as space_used
                from    @filestats_temp_table t1 
                inner join sys.data_spaces t2 ON t1.file_Group_id =t2.data_space_id
inner join ##Fdetails t3 on t3.Filepath = t1.physical_file_name
end try
                begin catch
                select -100 as l1
                ,       ERROR_NUMBER() as file_group_name
                ,       ERROR_SEVERITY() as logical_file_name
                ,       ERROR_STATE() as physical_file_name
                ,       ERROR_MESSAGE() as space_reserved
                ,       1 as space_reserved_unit, 1 as space_used, 1 as space_used_unit
                end catch ;

--these are the results from the query

PRIMARY tempdev J:\tempdb.mdf ROWS [tempdb] 10% Unlimited 5.73 GB 5.19 MB
PRIMARY modeldev C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\model.mdf ROWS [model] 100 MB Unlimited 2.25 MB 1.31 MB
PRIMARY MSDBData C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\MSDBData.mdf ROWS [msdb] 10% Unlimited 364.19 MB 317.00 MB

when i put the columns into their respective "server name AXIS,dbname AXIS, space_used/space_free into VALUES"

the space_used and space_free value change from 5.19MB to something entirely else, same for all my values.

i use Excel 2013 and SQL Server management 2008 2012 and 2014 

as soon as my account is verified i upload a screenshot to help me  clearify it. 

please wait



June 8th, 2015 2:46am

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