I have found this delightful Add-in (along with Power Query) and I love it. I'm pretty excited to work with it in the future. I have so far created 10 queries/reports and it has worked beautifully. However, I'm currently experiencing an issue.
From a blank Excel, I go to one very simple Excel Workbook (3 columns and maybe 15 rows) to "Add to DataModel" - and Excel freezes/hangs/crashes (not sure of the right term) when I browse-> and click on the file. I've restarted my computer and tried the exact same thing and it still freezes.
I've contacted my IT help desk but I want to make sure I've exhausted everything before they do anything "drastic."
Maybe re-installing the Add-in? Re-installing Excel?
I'm not sure what could cause this since I have no data in the worksheet, yet. Weird.