After installing the most recent Power Query update, we can no longer refresh all of our queries simultaneously using Refresh All.
We have a data model where data is being pulled from a single Excel spreadsheet into Power Query, than a few transformations take place and that data is then loaded into Power Pivot. After installing the most recent Power Query update, the Refresh All option in Power Pivot or Excel does not work. It begins the process of refreshing, but it goes into an endless refresh cycle (that never completes). We are able to refresh the Power Pivot tables or the Power Query tables one by one, but not all at once.
I am certain that this issue relates to the most recent update to Power Query, for I tested the refresh on a machine that did not have the most recent Power Query update and it worked fine. Then I updated Power Query and the Refresh All option stopped working.
Do you anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?