This problem needs to be resolved. I work in support for a very large company and we have many issues where a powerpoint file will not open in Powerpoint 2010 but opens fine in Powerpoint 2000.
None of the above solutions worked.
Here is the full detail of the problem:
Powerpoint has detected a problem with this file, Opening it may be dangerous. You should not open this file unless you trust it.
Select Open
PowerPoint found a problem with the content in ____. PowerPoint can attemp to repair the presentation. If you trust the source of this presentation, click repair
Select Repair
PowerPoint has detected a problem with this file. Opening it may be dangerous. You should not open this file unless you trust it.
Select Open
There was an error accessing _______
Click help
This error can be caused by the following conditions:
Your hard drive or floppy drive has a corrupt section (damaged track or sector).
A temporary operating system or network failure has occurred.
Your network is unavailable, slow, or is corrupting data packets (failure of a router, network card, or noise on the network transmission line).
Your antivirus program may be causing problems accessing certain files.
In the case of a damaged disk, you must save the file to another location (for example, a different drive).
In the case of a failure of the operating system, this can be caused by various memory management problems, viruses, incorrect usage of a UNC, alias, or invalid perimissions to the share where the file is stored.
If the network is experiencing problems, it is usually a temporary condition and if you wait a short period of time and try again, you can usually save the file. If the problem persists, consult your network administrator.
A known condition with an antivirus program can cause a similar condition. Check with the manufacturer of your antivirus program to see
Opening in Powerpoint 2000 is the only fix for us, but as our company is uprading to Office 2010 soon we will have no more O2k installations to use as a work around.
It is not our company image because I sent the files to my home pc, Office 2010 OEM, and the problem persist there.
Proposed as answer by
Monday, January 10, 2011 7:29 PM
Unproposed as answer by
David Wolters
Friday, June 24, 2011 2:22 PM