When i go to export my powerpoint presentation and try to select create video, the option is unavailable to me.
Its installed on a windows 2012 server.
Help... please, its bugging me ...
Any ideas why its doing this?
Technology Tips and News
When i go to export my powerpoint presentation and try to select create video, the option is unavailable to me.
Its installed on a windows 2012 server.
Help... please, its bugging me ...
Any ideas why its doing this?
Do you mind sharing us more detailed information about your issue? According to your discretion, I assume there are two scenarios which you might encounter.
Scenario one:
"Create a Video" option is disabled/greyed out. This issue might be due to that the Desktop Experience was not installed in the Windows 2012 server, which included Windows Media Player. Please try to install it.
Scenario Two:
You might get an error message "PP was unable to finish saving your video. Would you like to try again?" when save as a video.
Some audio formats that not supported of PowerPoint might cause this issue. Please try to modify or delete audio.
Hope it's helpful.
George Zhao