Powerpoint animation issue

I'm losing animation on numbers that I have coming in at bookmarked places in a slide. I return to a home page and return to the slide no problem but if I return to homepage then a different slide, then home page and the initial slide...the animated numbers won't work. I believe (I guess) the page hasn't reloaded...but all the fixes I have seen for this problem I can't get to work with 2013. 1) they say add a blank slide before the problem slide and set the transition time to zero (well it won't let me set the transition time to zero...lowest it goes is 1 second...maybe thats why it won't fix the problem 2) install a macro to fix the problem...I have no idea how to actually do that? I've been trying to remedy this for weeks now...so if anyone can please please help...please do!



  • Edited by Sooy 18 hours 2 minutes ago
April 4th, 2015 9:21am

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