Powershell 2.0 on Exchange 2007-SP2
Just curious if others have upgraded to Powershell 2.0 on their Exchange 2007-SP2 servers (Windows 2008 SP2) and what their experience was. Did you remove Powershell 1.0 first or did you just install Windows Management Framework (Powershell 2.0 & WinRM 2.0) over top of the existing installation. Any issues ?ThanksSam
December 2nd, 2009 7:25pm
There appear to be some issues with it :http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesoftwareupdate/thread/617ceb50-49ae-4b6e-b808-d8651094e68b
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December 2nd, 2009 8:49pm
There appear to be some issues with it :http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesoftwareupdate/thread/617ceb50-49ae-4b6e-b808-d8651094e68b
I'm aware of the issue with rollup 1 with PS2.0 and the potential fix for it. PS2.0 was released before rollup 1 so my question to those that have actual experience with this is ...Just curious if others have upgraded to Powershell 2.0 on their Exchange 2007-SP2 servers (Windows 2008 SP2) and what their experience was. Did you remove Powershell 1.0 first or did you just install Windows Management Framework (Powershell 2.0 & WinRM 2.0) over top of the existing installation. Any issues ?
December 2nd, 2009 10:57pm
I havent applied 2.0 myself to any production server, so I cant comment. I would think removing PS 1.0 would break something.Do you have a lab you can test in?
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December 2nd, 2009 11:04pm
Hi,Base on my research, Exchange Server 2007 installation integrates Windows PowerShell into its setup process. PowerShell scripts written specifically for different setup tasks are employed during the installation process. After setup, Windows PowerShell is available via the Exchange Management Shell, the Exchange Server 2007 implementation of Windows PowerShell.So please do not remove powershell.
Microsoft has aware this issue, please do not install update 968930(http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=d37e25cf-db05-4b23-a852-cdf865d81b82&displaylang=en and wait for the official update.
Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 has been released
Just for your reference: Exchange 2007 SP2 has support for PowerShell 2.0 so that you can install both the Exchange 2007 SP2 and Exchange 2010 Management tools on the same machine in a co-existence scenario.
December 3rd, 2009 1:18pm
Hi,Base on my research, Exchange Server 2007 installation integrates Windows PowerShell into its setup process. PowerShell scripts written specifically for different setup tasks are employed during the installation process. After setup, Windows PowerShell is available via the Exchange Management Shell, the Exchange Server 2007 implementation of Windows PowerShell.So please do not remove powershell.
Microsoft has aware this issue, please do not install update 968930(http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=d37e25cf-db05-4b23-a852-cdf865d81b82&displaylang=en and wait for the official update.
Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 has been released
Just for your reference: Exchange 2007 SP2 has support for PowerShell 2.0 so that you can install both the Exchange 2007 SP2 and Exchange 2010 Management tools on the same machine in a co-existence scenario.
Hello Xiu,Thanks for your reply but againmy question to those that have actual experience with this is ...Just curious if others have upgraded to Powershell 2.0 on their Exchange 2007-SP2 servers (Windows 2008 SP2) and what their experience was. Did you remove Powershell 1.0 first or did you just install Windows Management Framework (Powershell 2.0 & WinRM 2.0) over top of the existing installation. Any issues ?If you have done this upgrade yourself I would like to hear about your experiences good or bad. Have you ?
I also don't undertsand what you mean by please do not install update 968930(http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=d37e25cf-db05-4b23-a852-cdf865d81b82&displaylang=en and wait for the official update. If that is an update on the MS downloads site that is also referenced by the powershell team on www.microsoft.com/powershellI don't think it could get much more "official". Can you elaborate on why that update is not official ?Also I was instructed by the Exchange team to remove PS1.0 before installing 2.0 . Do you have some Microsoft documentation that would contradict that ?
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December 3rd, 2009 6:06pm
Hi,After consulting with engineer from PG,I was told that we can apply the hotfix without uninstall Windows Powershell 1.0.After that,please install rollup 1 for exchange server 2007 sp2.Besides, since it is a recommendation,I think we need to test it in the lab environment before we plan to do it in the product environment.Regards,Xiu
December 16th, 2009 12:24pm