Prevent Exchange Users from Sending From Another User
Users on our Exchange system, using Outlook 2003 or 2007, can select Options>From when composing an email, then select any name in our address book to send their email from that user. How can I disable that ability?
June 17th, 2010 6:14pm

Sounds like a delegation mishap. Without knowing what version of Exchange...there are a few ways to attack this. One is per mailbox. By right-clicking a recipient in the EMC, you can "Manage Send As Permissions". The second (which may be more efficient), is to find that database in the schema, right-click properties and look at the Security tab. Look for the "Send As" permission. You may have one group in there that has the Send As permission that you can easily remove. Schema Configuration Partition -> Services -> Microsoft Exchange -> Org Name -> Administrative Groups -> Exchange Administrative Group -> then it depends on what version of Exchange.Tim Harrington - Catapult Systems -
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June 17th, 2010 6:34pm

Hi, Additional information: By default, the domain users are unable to send on behalf of other sender. Yes, we can select Options>From when composing an email, then select any name in our address book to send their email. But if we do not have the "Send as" permission of the sender, this email cannot be delivered. An Undeliverable message will be returned.
June 18th, 2010 7:30am

Thomas..good point. Linda can you confirm that users are actually able to send on behalf of, or are you looking to just disable that Menu pick? If they don't have "Send As" permissions the email will not go through as Thomas has stated.Tim Harrington - Catapult Systems -
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June 18th, 2010 4:32pm

Linda....any additional info on this issue or have you got everything figured out?Tim Harrington - Catapult Systems -
June 21st, 2010 1:52am

I thought a user would need Send As permission, but I am able to send emails from other users without adding my name in Send As...however I went into the EMC and took another look at that. An outside consultant set this up for us, but when I called him about being able to use the From option to send from anyone, he said he didn't know what to do about it.All users besides myself and my coworker who is the other administrator have this in Send As: JOSAM\MCBESADM NT AUTHORITY\SELF Ours are blank. We can send messages from anyone, including each other. Are we able to send from anyone because we are administrators? I haven't asked any of the other users to try this - I didn't really want them to know about it if they didn't already. I'll try it from another user's Outlook screen, and see if it works. By the way, our server is Exchange 2007 v8.01.0436.000. Thanks for your help.
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June 21st, 2010 6:21pm

>>Are we able to send from anyone because we are administrators? Yes. By default the administrators have the "send as" permission of other users. General users are unable to send from anyone. Please refer the following article: See the section "Why can domain administrators spoof mailbox-enabled user accounts in their domain? ".
June 22nd, 2010 3:52am

Thanks, both of you. That cleared it up for me.
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June 26th, 2010 1:01am

Thanks great help dog waste bags Jeff
June 26th, 2010 3:11am

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