Prevent annoying spam from your own domain
I am starting to receive emails from people NOT in our company and am wondering how to stop this using exchange 2010 on server 2008r2? I also use scanmail for exchange and cannot figure out how to stop this without affecting my real users? TIA
September 15th, 2011 8:39am

On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 12:31:19 +0000, maddmikk0958 wrote: >I am starting to receive emails from people NOT in our company and am wondering how to stop this using exchange 2010 on server 2008r2? I also use scanmail for exchange and cannot figure out how to stop this without affecting my real users? Address spoofing is something you can manage (at least for the most part) with SPF/SenderID. It helps not only you, but everyone else that uses it. If you have no need for anyone to send e-mail to you using your own domain then you can use the anti-spam features of Exchange to block senders in your domain. Just be sure that you have the correct IP addresses defined in your global transport configuration so you don't apply the filtering to machines within your own network. --- Rich Matheisen MCSE+I, Exchange MVP --- Rich Matheisen MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
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September 15th, 2011 11:28am

Hi, I understand that you receive spoofed email sent from your exchange server. Then please try to remove the extendedrights on the receive and then restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport Service to check the issue again. Get-ReceiveConnector | remove-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender Note: The connector will deny anonymous authoritative senders. If you do need to receive email from anonymous such as printer, then I recommend you to create a additional receive connector. Preventing External Spoofed Spam From Authoritative Address Spaces or Domains
September 16th, 2011 4:11am

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