Preventing internal mail exchange
Hello there,
I would like some help in the following situation:
We run a Exchange 2000 enterprise with a couple of servers and our manegers want to prevent some mailbox from sending e-mails to all other mailboxes except one and to receive e-mail only from the mailbox which it can send mail to.
So, breaking in parts, the first part is the catch!
I dont see a way to prevent a mailbox from sending mail to all mail box axcept one. The options we can work with on the connectors are to receive and not to send.
Te first part is not a problem, working with connectors we can prevent a mailbox to receive the undesired e-mails!
Does anyone have any idea of how to achieve this goal? Any third part tool?
Thanks in advance!
Bruno Nbrega
August 22nd, 2008 8:33pm
One option is to configure this per user:
flow setting tab - Message Delivery restriction
Johan Veldhuis
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August 22nd, 2008 11:16pm
Hey Johan,
Thanks for your replay!
I thought about it but as far as I could see I will be able to restrict mailboxes to receive e-mail from other mailboxes, however I dont see an option to restrict to who a user would be able to send an e-mail to.Not sure if I was clear enough!
Thanks for your help!!
August 22nd, 2008 11:25pm
Keep in mind that Exchange Server is designed as an e-mail system and thus the whole purpose is to allow people to send e-mail to one another. The Delivery Restrictions tab specifies FROM whom the mailbox will accept mail. Create a mail group of the mailboxes that SHOULDbe able to send mailyour users. Then put that group in as the only group that the mailbox will be able to mail from. I think that should pretty lock the mailbox down.
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August 25th, 2008 12:17am