As per the information and details provided by you, to print a shared calendar with tasks, please follow these steps: -
In Outlook 2013, you need to ensure the print settings are correct first.
- Go to the
Calendar; enter Day view by clicking the Day button above the Calendar.
- File tab >
Print. In the list at the right ensure Daily Style is chosen under
Settings. Then click the Print Options button just above the
Settings list. In the Print Dialog box that opens, right in the middle is a button that says
Page Setup; select that.
- Print setup dialog box that opens, in the
Format tab, find the Options block on the lower left. In that block, the second item down is labeled
Tasks. From the drop-down menu to the right of Tasks, choose
To-Do list.
- In that same dialog box you probably want to clear the checkmark next
include: Notes area (blank) to make more room for tasks.
- Now click
OK first and then Print on the next screen. Thats it. The setting should be saved.
I hope this information will be helpful for you.
Thanks and regards