Printing Swimlanes

Hi All,

I have a user who has created a very wide Visio document that spans 7 A3 portrait pages (intentionally).

When we send the job to print, the swimlanes across the document print on pages 1,2 and 3 - then stop. They are then printed on the final page.

I am completely lost. I have reinstalled the network printer (so it prints direct, not via the server) and checked they are on the latest PCL6 driver for that printer.

Does anyone have any ideas? It's only these lines that stop halfway through the document.

Many thanks,


June 1st, 2013 10:53pm


Is this issue occurs to all the files? Try to create a new file to check the issue.

Also, try to start Visio in safe mode to check the issue.

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June 3rd, 2013 11:28am

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